The IBS Brand Book - Fonts

This page was written to highlight the Fonts that we can use in our products and advertising to describe.

The fonts we use help keep our documents and advertisements uniform and businesslike. We do not want to use a wide variety of fonts. Still, it may happen that an application does not have the relevant font. In that case, use a font similar to it.

Rene de Jongh

Antwoord normaal gesproken binnen een uur Isatis tijden zijn: ma tm vr: van 09:00 to 17:00

Hee, mijn naam is Rene 👋
Welkom bij Isatis Business Solutions. Hoe kan ik je helpen?

Neem contact op met Rene via:

Anne Klaver

Data Scientist

I am passionate about data science. I take pride in my programming abilities and I am a dedicated and analytical worker.

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